Keep and eye out for behind the scenes sneak peaks of what goes on at Aqua Marine. From time to time we'll post articles on some of the features we incorporate in our own development aquarium.
Another first for Draco - a true, fully functional, expandable drum combi system for under £1000.
Perfect for quarantines, average stocked ponds to 2000 gallons, multi tank / sump installations and anywhere else a complete, compact unit is needed where there is very little space as it is only 30.5cm wide.
Height above static pond water level is 17.5cm and approx 18.5 above pump fed.
This unit will run gravity or pump, but in pump, we will derate the maximum flow by 25%, in line with experience on our larger drums.
Media capacity is approximately 40 litres and can take micro K1.
An additional bolt on bio unit will be available, allowing the user to seamlessly double the biological capacity of the filter.
Side View showing inlet and waste
Showing Outlet Pipe and Control Box
Inside the bio part of the filter
Inside the curved housing part of the filter showing the RDF